I have had tons of prior online learning experience. Starting my freshman year of high school, I took an online health course via Florida Virtual School. I continued to take a few courses through FLVS until I graduated. Now, as a Florida State student, I have taken many online courses that have all utilized asynchronous communication between all parties. All of my classes at Florida State, regardless of delivery method, have used a learning management system. During my first few semesters at FSU, all of my courses used Blackboard. Now, all of my courses use the LMS Canvas.
Open Educational Resources can best be defined as programs or sources that are available to be used by anyone. Open Educational Resources still have rights, which are the right to retain, reuse, revision, remix, and redistribution.  I used the website, www.oercommons.org, in order to find a resource. The website allows you to search for resources by subject, grade level, and more. I found a resource called “3RC (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost).” This resource is an entire STEM science lesson for 3rd-5th grade classes highlighting waste disposal and how engineers are involved in 3RC and waste management. This resource includes worksheets, videos, learning objectives and more!
I really enjoyed making the Newsletter from last week. Because I currently work at an elementary school, I had a slight advantage as far as topics and formatting goes. There was honestly nothing that I did not enjoy about that assignment! Next time, I can make sure to include a post about how technology is used in the classroom. I can definitely use what I learned from this assignment in the future by knowing better how to format newsletters for both students

I commented on both Erika’s and Morgan’s posts. I really enjoyed reading both of their Newsletters! On Erika’s post I commented on the similarities and differences that we have had with online learning. On Morgan’s post, I commented on the “E-Learning Days” that her high school implemented last year.


  1. Thanks for sharing the resource called “3RC (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost)" !


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