I absolutely would like to maintain a course website as a
teacher. I had so much fun creating my website using Wix this week! I feel as
though a website is a very easy and useful way for teachers to keep in touch
with students and parents throughout the year. I also think that having a
website is useful for students to keep track of assignments and class rules or
even important dates. I undoubtedly believe that class websites are worth the
trouble. I feel as though if throughout my grade school days my teachers all
had websites, keeping track of my schoolwork would have been even easier and
better planned.
I envision myself using a teacher website to reach my
professional goals as an educator. I learned that frequently updating this
website would be imperative in order for it to be as successful as possible. I
think that one way a website would make my teaching more effective would be
that I could have an assignments tab. Under this tab, I would upload papers
that I pass out in class. This way, if a student misses school or loses an
assignment, they can go on my website in order to get the paper.
I actually enjoyed the Website Evaluation assignment that I did in class last week. I had to create a form that students would be able to easily use in order to evaluate online resources for a project. I said that my evaluation form would be for fourth graders to evaluate current events articles for a science assignment. It took me some time to think of exactly what younger students should be looking for out of an online resource, as it slightly differed from what I personally would be looking for. I think next time I could improve something such as this by making it more creative and designed in a more kid-friendly way. I also enjoyed carrying over this assignment over into this week's website creation and
expanding on my theoretical current events project with the help of the
WebQuest assignment.
I commented on Jacob Loveland and Mallory Hartline's blog posts this week.
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