Assistive and adaptive technologies are technologies, which help individuals with disabilities perform tasks in an easier manner or more independently. Learners with both physical disabilities and learning disabilities are able to use these technologies to better facilitate the learning process. I have had some experience with technologies such as theses in a classroom setting. At the school that I work at, IStation is used in every classroom. For learners that have difficulty reading, the questions, instructions, and other materials are read to the learners in order to aid them with completing their assigned tasks.
The Universal Design for Learning principles were created in order to optimize both teaching and learning based off of how people learn. The UDL principles focus on providing multiple methods of engagement, representation, and action/ expression. I believe these principles are important to address the larger issue of usability because the principles provide a framework that is proven to be effective in meeting the various, unique needs of learners. When educators use follow UDL principles when coming up with resources and curriculum, they can be certain that that they are reaching as many learners as possible.
One academic software system that I would like my learners to use in my future classroom would be Keyboarding Without Tears. This website provides fun games and practice for students to learn how to type on a keyboard efficiently. I believe that this is an important skill for developing learners to have. Another software tool for learners that I would like to use in my future classroom is Kahoot. This specific tool is primarily used for reviewing. Kahoot is an easy tool to use, where teachers can come up with quizzes and have individual learners enter the game to compete for first place.
Personally, I am not a big fan of blogging. While I see how it can be helpful to have a sort of blog as an educator, I think that in the future I would much prefer to have a teacher website over a blog. This is because I prefer the formatting of a personal website to that of a blog. I believe that as an educator posting calendar/ assignment updates, having contact info, and providing a medium for communication between parties should be prioritized over a class blog. I think that if I was working in an older classroom, it would be neat to have a class blog where learners were able to contribute to weekly posts to practice writing and technological skills.


  1. Hey Hannah!
    I really enjoyed reading your blogpost it was very insightful. I can't wait to read more. I choose Kahoot too! I can remember how much fun I've had using it before and still to this day. I am super competitive so it is definitely a tool I would use in the classroom.

  2. Hi, Hannah

    I am sorry to hear that you are not a big fan of blogging. But it makes sense that you prefer to have a teacher website.

  3. Hey! Sorry I'm getting around to this post kind of late. I was out of town this week unfortunately. I completely understand where you're coming from in terms of the blogging. A teacher website would be cool. But at least now you know what you like and don't like! Good post otherwise!


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